Content ideas galore. Here we go…
For the Teacher
Conduct short experiments on your stories and reels
- Record your whole process and then edit it down for highlights.
Turn your favorite classroom game into a How-to Video or PDF for other teachers to download
- Make sure it includes your social media handles if you want them to follow you for more inspiration.
Host a lip sync battle during recess
- Get all the proper permissions and coordinate with a few other teachers in your grade to implement this activity.
For the Entrepreneur
Confessional video
- Use your phone to record confessionals about the challenges and joys of entrepreneurship. Discuss your wins or how you’re processing your way through a recent failure in hopes of helping others avoid the same mistakes.
Create behind-the-scenes videos
- Capture your morning routine, commuting to your office, or a day in the life of your employees.
- If you sell products, record a product packing video. Show your audience what it takes to process orders, the supplies you use, and how you coordinate your mailings.
Promote employee stories
- Post goodwill stories from employees that are worth sharing. Maybe one of your employees has an interesting life story that aligns with the mission of your business. Talk with your team about this and decide if/how you want to share your stories with the world.
For the Healthcare Professional
- Share insight on topics people believe to be accurate but are absolutely false. Example: Alexa, should I put butter on a burn?
Share unusual/unforgettable stories
- We see unusual stories all the time in medical dramas, but for the most part, those are fictional tales. As a healthcare professional, you can share your own unforgettable, real-life stories. Keep them anonymous but give enough context for the audience to be educated or inspired.
Educate on trending news
- Obviously, COVID’s still trending, but there are other topics the public needs sound advice on, such as suicide prevention and anxiety. If you are trained/certified to do so, share insight and give feedback on a topic that relates to your niche in the healthcare field.
For the Musician
Make TikTok videos using your own music
- Upload your music to do a TikTok video, or you could play your original music in the background while you participate in a trending challenge.
- If your material isn’t copyrighted, use it at your own risk.
Face off against yourself
- Think of this as a throwback post, not the John Travolta film. Upload an old video of yourself singing, perhaps in the middle school talent show or church choir. Then upload a recent video of yourself singing or playing the exact same song. This is another version of How it Started…How it’s Going. The goal is to encourage persistence and the reward of hard work.
Make your own tutorial video
- Create a 20 minute or less video teaching how to play basic guitar chords, sing harmony, or whatever your musical skill is. Post your full video on YouTube and one-minute clips to your other social platforms. Remember that you can always edit long-form video in shorter clips to use elsewhere.
For the Realtor
Host Q&A sessions
- Do this via live stream or in-person workshops and have them recorded. For live streams, bring guests on the screen to ask questions or direct them to ask questions in the comments.
Inform potential customers on what not to buy
- Create posts that give future buyers property warning signs. Examples: How to Spot a Moldy Roof and Signs of Faulty Wiring.
Create 25 reason resources on why people need a realtor
- This can be created as one post (PDF, podcast episode, infographic, etc.) or split into 25 individual pieces of content (5 written posts with images, 5 videos, 5 blogs, 5 podcasts episodes, and 5 live streams). Each post should elaborate on one reason. Example: You need a realtor to help scout properties or a realtor to help prepare you for closing.
For the Food and Restaurant Professional
LIVE taste testing
- You know those commercials where two random people appear to be tasting the same mystery food to determine which one is better? Same thing. Open the restaurant a little early for the demonstration and invite the first patrons to participate or have a few employees stand in for the live tasting. Test a new menu item or drink and record on camera. Be sure to get consent from everyone involved. Schedule a regular live tasting to give your customers something to look forward to if it catches on.
Promote daily specials in stories/reels
- List a few ingredients, video clips, and how long the menu special will be available.
Share testimonials
- Referrals are huge in this industry. If people say lovely things about your food, you want it to spread like wildfire. Set up a station near the hostess table for people to record testimonials. A light ring, stool, and iPhone will get the job done. After each week, review all the footage and pick the best ones to share on your social channels. Take it up a notch by displaying them in interludes on the screens in the venue.
There you have it! Our top content ideas by profession!