Admins are Generalists

Generalists are equipped with more than one tool in their toolbox. Administrative professionals are examples of generalists.
How to Host a Virtual Facebook Event

Hosting virtual events can be harder than they look. Check out our best practices for hosting online Facebook events.
I’m Overwhelmed. Should I Hire A Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant may be a good answer if you spend more time on administrative correspondence and not your vision.
Finding the Right Talent: 5 Things We Learned By Working With Creatives

These are our best tips for collaborating with creatives to execute your business needs.
Hiring an assistant? Ask yourself these 5 questions

Help! You need it, all the time, so we want to show you how to get it. But as the (Beatles) song says, you don’t just want help from anybody…
The Business of Service

Love, serve and seek the best…the business of service.