“I need somebody (Help!) not just anybody (Help!) you know I need someone (Help!)”.
Help! A timeless plea (and lyrical statement from The Beatles). You need it at home, in your relationships, with your kids, in your business and more.
So we want to show you how to get it. But as the song says, you don’t want help from just anybody.

You want it from the person or persons best suited for your unique workflow and operations.
Here are 5 questions to ask when hiring an administrative assistant.
How much experience do they have in this area?
Most people prefer to have employees with experience in the field they apply for.
In many cases, it makes training and acclamation a bit easier when the candidate has previous experience and knowledge pertaining to the work ahead of them.
If you’re a veteran business owner or brand, a more experienced assistant may benefit you the most especially if you don’t have someone else to train them in your ways.
If you’re trying out an assistant for the first time or if you have an entry-level opening, you can turn your attention to the likes of high school seniors searching for internships, college students and recent graduates with lesser work experience.
This group may require more investment when it comes to training and onboarding but if you find the right person, it will be worth it in the end.
What tools and software are they proficient in?
Every business uses a different combination of tools and software. The good news is many still operate under the same concept as their competitors. The bad news is you’ll have to exude extra patience for learning curves.
When it comes to tools and software, we believe all admins should have basic knowledge in the following:
- Microsoft Office
- Social Media
- Social Media Management
- Customer Service
- Personal Information Manager (Outlook, Google)
- Email Management Software (Active Campaign, Mailchimp, Constant Contact etc.)
Think about your own business needs. What knowledge base should your team member possess to accomplish your goals?

Why wouldn’t I hire this person?
This is the gut-feeling telling you to turn around and don’t look back. Don’t ignore this. It will cost you in the long run.
Think about the interview with the person. Did they say something to make you question their integrity? Were they too vague? Did they seem uninterested? Did they lie?
If they did so in the interview, before being hired, chances are they’ll do it again later.
Is this person a good fit for the company or brand?
A model resume and impressive interview don’t always solidify someone as a good fit for a company. Sometimes people are good but not necessarily good for you.
A timid, slow to speak assistant may not be the best fit for a forthright, outgoing brand. Personality and moral clashes are good indicators that you may need to reconsider your hiring choice.
Am I willing to teach/train this person?
If you’re a one-person shop, then whether you want it to be or not, this is another job you’ll have to take on.
If you’re a small company of a few employees, make sure someone on your team is designating to do the onboarding and training of new employees. Either way, the process of teaching/training should be implemented in your business sooner than later.
Your new employee will need to know things like your company’s history, it’s culture, competition, and products, areas that won’t be fully revealed unless shown through the company/brand lense.
Teaching and training within your company help to communicate your vision and purpose while helping to set your new assistant up for success.
These are our best tips for starting your hiring search. All in all, your new hire should be able to fulfill your needs, feel comfortable doing and have access to resources to help them success in their work.
Happy hiring!