
3 vision board styles to organize your plans

Vision boards are visual reminders for our deepest desires and goals. If you’re prone to making them, then you know they serve to steadily keep us on our toes, striving for the things we’ve yet to see.

Here are a few methods to organize your thoughts and get you started on creating your own board today.

Old School– Grab a few old magazines (try your local library, dentist office or grocery store for FREE older issues), scissors and some glue or tape. Then cut a poster board in half and go through the magazines cutting out images that represent your personal style, your business, brand, goals, aspirations and maybe even hobbies. Organize all the images on the poster board according to how you want it to look, before you glue it all down. Once complete, hang it someplace you’ll see it everyday (bathroom, closet, office) to remind yourself what you’re working for.

Pinterest– easy enough right? Combine a few images and themes from your favorite boards to create a digital vision board. Or start fresh and compile something new board centered on your refreshed perspective this year.

PicMonkey– If you’re looking for intuitive digital design, PicMonkey is perfect for you! It has great customization with text options, even with the free plan! Prepare to be amazed typography fans.

Happy Creating!

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